Thursday, June 30, 2011

NYSUT Sues the New York State Board of Regents Over New Evaluations...

From the Huffington Post,  June 29th, 2011

     "For us to do other than this -- we have 600,000 members -- would give me very little credibility with my own members," New York State United Teachers President Richard Iannuzzi told The Huffington Post.
On Monday, NYSUT filed a complaint, alleging that the Board of Regents overstepped its bounds in adapting a new teacher evaluation plan. 
    The plan, according to the complaint, is "illegal and void, because the Board of Regents acted in excess of its authority, inconsistently with the law and arbitrarily, in enacting them."

See the rest of the story at Huffington Post:

Also, check out NYSUT on Facebook for up to the minute details:!/NYSUTUnited

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Please make a call if you can!!!! Every call counts!!!!

Please read this message from NYUST Vice President Andy Pallotta about the pending tax cap legislation.   I received it just now via email, and I would like to get it out there ASAP.   Please make a call if you can. 
                                                                            M E M O R A N D U M

From: Andrew Pallotta 
To: NYSUT Board of Directors
Local Presidents
PAC members
Vote/Cope Coordinators

Date: June 15, 2011 
Re: Continuing the Anti-Tax Cap Pressure  

We are in the final days of this year’s legislative session and we need  your continued advocacy against tax caps now if we are to prevail in this  historic battle. We urge each and every one of you to pick up a phone and  call your lawmaker to voice your opposition to tax caps TODAY. Please call  1 877 255 9417 today to keep the pressure on. Please pass this request  along to your general membership a.s.a.p.
 Our members have been responding to our calls for action. In the past two > weeks, over 11,500 faxes against the tax cap have been sent to Senators,  Assembly members and to the Governor. In addition, over 7,500 calls were  placed through the AFL-CIO Hotline. We have robo-called over 500,000 of  our members on the issue, and sent email blasts to 160,000 members  including a special email to 20,000 of our retiree activists. We have  spent well over $1.7 million on television, radio and web-based media in  the past month.

We have initiated the use of “patch through calls,” a system where a  member receives a live call from us, is read a script about the tax caps  and is then asked to be connected with their lawmaker to register their  opposition to the cap. In 3 days last week over 10,000 NYSUT members  connected with their legislators. This week, over the course of two days, over 10,000 more NYSUT members reached state senators. We are redoubling  our efforts and targeting 90 more members of the legislature between now  and the end of session, which could come as early as Friday.

Do not delay. The imposition of tax caps will redefine public education as  we know it for years to come. We will be locked into a decade of program  cuts, layoffs, cost shifts and contract concessions.

Please call 1 877 255 9417 and urge all of your members to do the same  now!

NYSUT Officers
NYSUT Cabinet
Regional Staff Directors
Legislation Staff

Did you know that NYSUT is on Facebook?

Friday, June 10, 2011

A Walk Down MITA Memory Lane

Mr. Vinny  Giglio, is that you??  
Yes, it is, in 1978 with past MITA President Mr. Brennan.

                                        Mr Brennan, Mr Vinny Giglio and Ralph Gentile                    

Teachers on the picket line at the Middle School in 1978

                                                         The infamous Albert Shanker

Tom Hobart, former NYSUT President

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

MITA and NYSUT need your help!!!

Can you make a call to help let our elected officials know that the proposed tax cap will destroy our public schools??
Yesterday, New York State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver announced his support for a property tax cap legislation bill that will spell disaster for New York's public schools.   While Silver's bill would exempt pension costs that go above 2%, it would do nothing about things like health insurance and fuel costs that have been escalating in price astronomically.   School districts capped at 2% unless 60% of the population votes for a higher budget would be forced to cut programs or seek benefit reductions in negotiations.  One need only look at what has happened in California since their tax cap went into effect, and the one Silver proposed is worse, perhaps the worst in the nation.
The AFL-CIO has set up a toll free number to call, 
 1-877-255-9417.   Press 3 for Assembly.
Here is what you can tell your representative:
1)   You are strongly opposed to the 2% property tax cap proposed by Speaker Silver.
2)   Capping expenditures at 2% when costs of things like health insurance and fuel are rising by double digits is irresponsible.
3) You support a circuit-breaker property tax cap that offers real tax relief to people in real need because it is tied to people's incomes.
4)  You recognize that the state has financial difficulties but can't understand why the legislature is refusing to extend the so-called millionaires tax.

This is one of those moments when we can each make a difference while there is still time.   Albany needs to hear from us in big numbers.   Call your representative and tell him or her to vote NO on this ill-conceived tax cap.

More NEWS:
Lobbying groups have been successful in Wisconsin at helping to force through recall elections for 6 tea party Republicans who led the charge against teachers and public employees.    Remember, these are the individuals who were instrumental in taking away the collective bargaining rights of Wisc. public employees.  This is big news and could be the beginning of the end of Gov. Scott Walker's right-wing crusade

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Memorandum of Agreement has passed overwhelmingly! Thank you!!

MITA Reps from Coram: Karin, Rachel and Denise

HS Reps:  Sean, Karen and Barbara

HS Rep Antonio mans the door...

CEW Rep Audrey

CEW Rep Robin

Jr High Rep Lorraine

MS Rep Lydia

Ridge Rep Barbara

Treasurer Bob and MS Rep Marge

Secretary Mike and Treasurer Bob

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

MITA and NYSUT need your help...

Can you make a call to help let our elected officials know that the proposed tax cap will destroy our public schools??
Yesterday, New York State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver announced his support for a property tax cap legislation bill that will spell disaster for New York's public schools.   While Silver's bill would exempt pension costs that go above 2%, it would do nothing about things like health insurance and fuel costs that have been escalating in price astronomically.   School districts capped at 2% unless 60% of the population votes for a higher budget would be forced to cut programs or seek benefit reductions in negotiations.  One need only look at what has happened in California since their tax cap went into effect, and the one Silver proposed is worse, perhaps the worst in the nation.
The AFL-CIO has set up a toll free number to call, 
 1-877-255-9417.   Press 3 for Assembly.
Here is what you can tell your representative:
1)   You are strongly opposed to the 2% property tax cap proposed by Speaker Silver.
2)   Capping expenditures at 2% when costs of things like health insurance and fuel are rising by double digits is irresponsible.
3) You support a circuit-breaker property tax cap that offers real tax relief to people in real need because it is tied to people's incomes.
4)  You recognize that the state has financial difficulties but can't understand why the legislature is refusing to extend the so-called millionaires tax.

This is one of those moments when we can each make a difference while there is still time.   Albany needs to hear from us in big numbers.   Call your representative and tell him or her to vote NO on this ill-conceived tax cap.

More NEWS:
Lobbying groups have been successful in Wisconsin at helping to force through recall elections for 6 tea party Republicans who led the charge against teachers and public employees.    Remember, these are the individuals who were instrumental in taking away the collective bargaining rights of Wisc. public employees.  This is big news and could be the beginning of the end of Gov. Scott Walker's right-wing crusade.


A General Membership Meeting to vote on the Memorandum will be held on Thursday, June 2nd, in the High School auditorium at 4:15 PM.