Friday, October 14, 2011


If you have any time this weekend and feel like getting out and walking, there are a few events that you should know about!!!

The BUS to Washington DC has been rescheduled for tomorrow and NYSUT is still taking names if you are interested in reserving a seat.    273-8822

Maybe you want to do something a little closer to home......
I am passing this along from the Long Isl Federation of Labor.....

Labor Walk this Saturday October 15th   
Suffolk County Legislature Candidate:   Rob Calarco 
9:00 AM
39 Baker Street, Patchogue, NY 11772
From Main Street in Patchogue, proceed South on South Ocean Avenue past the Rail Road tracks. Make a Left on Baker Street.
Local 1108 is located on the left, and parking is available across the street.
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I am posting these reminders from Vinny Lyons, Suffolk Regional Staff Director for NYSUT:

Saturday, October 15, 2011 - We are Marching... For Jobs and Justice in Washington DC - the bus leaves the Suffolk RO at 5 AM, we can still include you, your family & friends if you act now by calling 273-8822.
Sunday, October 16, 2011 - We are Walking... To Find a Cure! Please remind your members that the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk is taking place at Jones Beach, Field 5 starting at 8AM.
Please bring all of your registration forms and donations directly to the NYSUT Suffolk tent. Please convey our thanks to all who have donated time and money to this worthy cause.
Monday, October 17, 2011 - We are Rallying... to stop the constant attack on Labor and against layoffs. Our brothers and sisters from CSEA are asking for support at their rally to prevent 1,000 layoffs. This rally will be held at the Executive/Legislative Building, 1550 Franklin Avenue, Mineola, corner of Franklin and Old Country Rd. from 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM.  They need NYSUT retirees to swell their ranks as Monday is a work day. Park behind Lord & Taylor.
In solidarity,
Vincent Lyons
Suffolk Regional Staff Director
New York State United Teachers
150 Vanderbilt Motor Parkway
Suite 306
Hauppauge, NY 11788-5180
Phone (631) 273-8822

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

October News!!

Check out the trailer for the new film American Teacher >>>>

Defensive Driving Class on Nov 5th is FULL.     
Thank you for registering!!!

Making Strides Walk!!!

Just a reminder that several of us have registered to participate in the Jones Becach Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk on October 16th.  If you would like to join us or make a donation, please click on this website:   

The donation  piece  will be found on the lower right side.
Our team is the Longwood School District and our company name is NYS United Teachers.  I am the team leader.
Thank you for your help.
Sincerely, Lydia Merget

Are you a Registered Voter??    If not, see your building reps for a Voter Registration form.     There is still time to register for this November's election.   

These are such difficult times, it is critically important for all of our members and their families to register to vote, and get out there on primary and election days to make their votes count.

  • US Citizen
  • At least 18 years old on the voting date
  • Live at present address at least 30 days prior to voting date
  • Not in prison or on parole for felony conviction
  • Not judged mentally incompetent by a court
  • Will not claim the right to vote elsewhere

How to register:
General Election
Date: November 8, 2011
Registration application must be postmarked by October 14th and received by the Board of elections by October 19th.   In person registration deadline, October 19th.