Thursday, December 8, 2011

NYSUT Action Alert

The Legislature is likely returning to Albany this week for a special
session to consider the governor's plan to restructure the tax code and
spur economic development.

There's no time to waste. CALL and FAX your state representatives today.

We want lawmakers to approve a progressive income tax structure that will
provide enough revenue to close the state's deficit and restore
devastating cuts to public education. Tell lawmakers any deal they make
this week must combine tax fairness with restoring funding to public
education, higher education and health care.

Call toll-free to 877-255-9417 and ask to be connected to the Assembly and

And click below to send a free fax letter to your state representatives.



Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Congratulations Dr. Meehan !!!!!!

Longwood School Psychologist Named Dowling College/News 12 Long Island
Educator of the Month

Dr. Katherine “Kat” Meehan, converses with Darius Robinson while Emily Maccarone writes in her daily journal at the start of the school day.

RIDGE—Dr. Katherine Meehan, a Longwood School District school psychologist assigned to the Ridge Elementary School, has been selected as one of 12 Educators of the Month for the 2011-12 school year by Dowling College/News 12 Long Island.           
            Dr. Clyde Payne, Dean of the School of Education, Dowling College, congratulated the entire Ridge staff and noted the many times he has presented the award to a Longwood teacher.       “You can’t do it alone; you need cooperation and the support you get from the entire staff,” he said, noting that Dr. Meehan is a critical component of an effective educational program that serves autistic students who were brought back to their home district.
            Debra Winter, Longwood’s Assistant Superintendent for Student and Community Services, nominated Dr. Meehan for the award. She credits much of the program’s success on Dr. Meehan’s determination.
            “She has been with the program since its inception and has written grants to support it,” Ms. Winter said. “She demonstrates every day her genuine compassion for an extremely challenging population,” she added.
            Dr. Meehan trained teachers and aides for the Alternative Learning Program (ALP) that serves these students, and works as a behavior consultant for teachers and parents. The program serves as a model for other districts.
            The goal of ALP  is to provide students with general skills to be successful in the community. The highly structured class at Ridge Elementary School has developed opportunities through a student-run school store, where they do everything from stocking to shelves to checking out customers. In a pre-vocational classroom, they learn such skills as making beds, doing laundry, and limited cooking. 
            There are special perks for the kids, too. On Fridays, they get to have lunch with their favorite school psychologist. “I can’t go near the cafeteria on the other days,” she said, explaining that when the kids see her, they think she’s coming to get them for lunch.
            Dr. Meehan thanked her school administration, Principal Janine Rozycki and Assistant Principal Yvette Mercado-Tilley, for their support of the APL program. “But we couldn’t do it without the teaching staff and the great kids we serve,” she said.
            “If what she and these individuals do all day for some of the most challenging students in the district doesn’t make her stand out, her work in her home community will,” Ms. Winter said. Dr. Meehan is a volunteer firefighter, EMT, rescue swimmer and rescue diver, and in her “spare time,” organizes teams from Ridge to participate in the Autism Annual Walk.

THANK YOU Myra Vaughn for the press release......    
Congratulating Dr. Katherine Meehan for being recognized as a Dowling College/News 12 Long Island Educator of the Month are, from left: Ridge Assistant Principal Yvette Mercado-Tilley; Principal Janine Rozycki, Dr. Meehan, Dr. Clyde Payne, Dean of the School of Education, Dowling College; and Debra Winter, Longwood Assistant Superintendent for Student and Community Services.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

From the AFL-CIO

Dear Fellow Brothers and Sisters,

Here are some basic political action items that we should all be aware of and some simple actions that we can take on behalf of the labor movement and finances to states and schools.  Please remember to vote on Tuesday.  Labors endorsed candidates are below as well.

1) Tell Gov and Legislators to Stop Tax Breaks for Millionaires and Billionaires:
Use NYSUT's link to tell Governor Cuomo and your NYS legislators to tax fairly and stop the scheduled tax break for millionaires and billionaires.

3) View a short video on youtube from Long Island Federation of Labor of why elections really matter:

4) Local elections endorsements from LI Federation of Labor on Tuesday Nov. 8
Nassau County Legislature Labor Endorsements
LD 3 Carrie Solages                           LD 4 Denise Ford
LD 7 Adam Moser                             LD 13 Pat Maher
LD 14 Eva Pearson                              LD 15 Ethan Irwin
LD 18 Delia Deriggi-Whitton          LD 19 Dave Denenberg
[no endorsements in all other Nassau Legislative Districts]
Suffolk County Executive and Legislature Endorsements
Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone
LD 1 Ed Romaine                              LD 2 Jay Schneiderman
LD 3 Kate Browning                          LD 4 Tom Muratore
LD 5 Kara Hahn                                 LD 6 Sarah Anker
LD 7 Rob Calarco                              LD 8 Bill Lindsey
LD 9 Rick Montano                            LD 10 Tom Cilmi
LD 11 no endorsement                   LD 12 John Kennedy
LD 13 Lynne Nowick                         LD 14 Wayne Horsley
LD 15 DuWayne Gregory                LD 16 Steve Stern
LD 17 Lou D’Amaro                           LD 18 Bill Spencer

Friday, October 14, 2011


If you have any time this weekend and feel like getting out and walking, there are a few events that you should know about!!!

The BUS to Washington DC has been rescheduled for tomorrow and NYSUT is still taking names if you are interested in reserving a seat.    273-8822

Maybe you want to do something a little closer to home......
I am passing this along from the Long Isl Federation of Labor.....

Labor Walk this Saturday October 15th   
Suffolk County Legislature Candidate:   Rob Calarco 
9:00 AM
39 Baker Street, Patchogue, NY 11772
From Main Street in Patchogue, proceed South on South Ocean Avenue past the Rail Road tracks. Make a Left on Baker Street.
Local 1108 is located on the left, and parking is available across the street.
*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *    

I am posting these reminders from Vinny Lyons, Suffolk Regional Staff Director for NYSUT:

Saturday, October 15, 2011 - We are Marching... For Jobs and Justice in Washington DC - the bus leaves the Suffolk RO at 5 AM, we can still include you, your family & friends if you act now by calling 273-8822.
Sunday, October 16, 2011 - We are Walking... To Find a Cure! Please remind your members that the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk is taking place at Jones Beach, Field 5 starting at 8AM.
Please bring all of your registration forms and donations directly to the NYSUT Suffolk tent. Please convey our thanks to all who have donated time and money to this worthy cause.
Monday, October 17, 2011 - We are Rallying... to stop the constant attack on Labor and against layoffs. Our brothers and sisters from CSEA are asking for support at their rally to prevent 1,000 layoffs. This rally will be held at the Executive/Legislative Building, 1550 Franklin Avenue, Mineola, corner of Franklin and Old Country Rd. from 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM.  They need NYSUT retirees to swell their ranks as Monday is a work day. Park behind Lord & Taylor.
In solidarity,
Vincent Lyons
Suffolk Regional Staff Director
New York State United Teachers
150 Vanderbilt Motor Parkway
Suite 306
Hauppauge, NY 11788-5180
Phone (631) 273-8822

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

October News!!

Check out the trailer for the new film American Teacher >>>>

Defensive Driving Class on Nov 5th is FULL.     
Thank you for registering!!!

Making Strides Walk!!!

Just a reminder that several of us have registered to participate in the Jones Becach Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk on October 16th.  If you would like to join us or make a donation, please click on this website:   

The donation  piece  will be found on the lower right side.
Our team is the Longwood School District and our company name is NYS United Teachers.  I am the team leader.
Thank you for your help.
Sincerely, Lydia Merget

Are you a Registered Voter??    If not, see your building reps for a Voter Registration form.     There is still time to register for this November's election.   

These are such difficult times, it is critically important for all of our members and their families to register to vote, and get out there on primary and election days to make their votes count.

  • US Citizen
  • At least 18 years old on the voting date
  • Live at present address at least 30 days prior to voting date
  • Not in prison or on parole for felony conviction
  • Not judged mentally incompetent by a court
  • Will not claim the right to vote elsewhere

How to register:
General Election
Date: November 8, 2011
Registration application must be postmarked by October 14th and received by the Board of elections by October 19th.   In person registration deadline, October 19th.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Want to go to the Jets game??

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: cid:image001.jpg@01CC5600.614D0CD0
Union Appreciation Offer
The New York Jets would like to invite you, as part of Long Island Federation of Labor, to take advantage of a an exclusive offer to purchase tickets $105 Upper End Zone seats to NY Jets vs. the Jacksonville Jaguars on September 18, 2011 for only $65
In order to take part in this exclusive offer, click on the easy-to-use link below to purchase and print your tickets. To access this special promotion, enter the code NYJLABOR2011.   
This is a great way to share the passion and excitement of Jets football with your teammates, family or fellow volunteers in the best stadium in the NFL.  The New Meadowland stadium is located in East Rutherford NJ, a quick drive or train ride away from New York City.
If you have any questions please contact Brian Aiello with the New York Jets Group Sales Department at (973) 549-4883 or email Please keep in mind that all sales are non-refundable and final…so please double check before submitting!

Go Jets!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Important Dates for Voter Registration and Voting in 2011

Note:    Defensive Driving Class on Nov 5th is FULL.      Thank you for registering!!!

Are you a Registered Voter??    If not, see your building reps for a Voter Registration form.     There is still time to register for this November's election.   

These are such difficult times, it is critically important for all of our members and their families to register to vote, and get out there on primary and election days to make their votes count.

  • US Citizen
  • At least 18 years old on the voting date
  • Live at present address at least 30 days prior to voting date
  • Not in prison or on parole for felony conviction
  • Not judged mentally incompetent by a court
  • Will not claim the right to vote elsewhere

How to register:
General Election
Date: November 8, 2011
Registration application must be postmarked by October 14th and received by the Board of elections by October 19th.   In person registration deadline, October 19th.

Friday, September 2, 2011

NYSUT Supports Long Island Crisis Center WALK

Stepping Together to Prevent Suicide
Dear Union brothers and sisters,
Below and attached is a Save-the-Date Flyer. NYSUT is working with Pat Collins, president of Island Park and volunteer at the Crisis Center, to help promote and raise money for the Long Island Crisis Center.
Lee Cutler, NYSUT Secretary-Treasurer, will be walking with us and has secured a $500 donation from NYSUT for this very important center. 
Below is the Crisis Center  mission statement that is listed on their web site and a direct link to the center.
I hope you will save the date to walk on the Long Beach Boardwalk on September 18.
In unity,
Barbara Hafner
The mission of Long Island Crisis Center is to provide free, high quality, accessible and confidential services to Long Islanders in crisis.
In fulfilling our mission, we provide non-judgmental services that help clients to break through isolation, stabilize their situations, and obtain the services they need. Supporting healthier living and greater personal empowerment guides our work at LICC.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hurricane Irene

Hi Everyone!
Unfortunately, our Washington DC trip has been cancelled due to the hurricane, the MLK dedication has also been postponed so I am sure NYSUT will reschedule the public education rally accordingly.  

Be safe and I look forward to seeing everyone on Supt. Conf. Day, assuming we have power and there has been no change to the schedule.   

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Help Support Verizon Workers

From:  NYSUT Suffolk Regional Office
Date:   August 18, 2011
Re:       Verizon Strike

How YOU Can Help Support Verizon Workers
Sign the on-line petition: Add your name to the list of people telling Mr. McAdam that his company should play fair. Let him know that Verizon should not demand that workers be forced to give-back more than $1 billion in wages and benefits when the company earned $19 billion in profits over the past four years and the top five executives earned more than $250 million in the same period. Go to and the petition will pop-up before the CWA home page.
Write your own letter to:
Mr. Lloyd C. McAdam
President & Chief Executive Officer
Verizon Communications, Inc.
140 West Street

New York, NY 10007
Be sure to mention if you are a Verizon customer.
Are you a Verizon customer? If so:
Call up the corporate headquarters – 212-395-1000 - and express your dissatisfaction. Tell them you are monitoring the situation closely and want it to be settled fairly.
If you have a pending service call or installation, insist that they send union labor to fulfill your order. If they send “replacement workers,” refuse to let the scabs enter your property and make sure the company knows why.
Donate to support the workers on strike: For the 45,000 Verizon workers, the decision to go on strike was a very difficult one for they knew they would be without a paycheck until their contract was settled. But they also knew that the issues were crucial, not just for them, but for working men and women across the country. You can show your support by making a contribution to the special fund set up to provide assistance to Verizon workers in need. Go to, and contribute whatever you can.
Participate in a picket-line at a local Verizon Wireless Store: Can you give an hour or two to hand out leaflets in support of the Verizon workers in front of a Verizon Wireless store? To find a store near where you live or work, contact your local CWA or International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), the other union representing Verizon workers, or go to the CWA web site.

Please see the prior post about the trip to Washington DC....If you are interested in joining me, please email me so I can reserve your seat on the bus!!!    

Friday, August 12, 2011


Hope everyone is enjoying their summer!!!     I just wanted to let all MITA members
know that I am attending this NYSUT event in Washington DC.    If you are interested in joining me on what is sure to be a very rewarding day, please email the MITA office (since our school emails are down right now)   at   or my home email   I will arrange your reservation on the NYSUT bus.....
This is the MEMO from NYSUT:
        Saturday August 27, 2011
        Washington, DC
Fulfilling the Promise ... Living the Dream
Rally to begin at 12 noon at Constitution Avenue and 17th Street, the march to the Martin Luther King Memorial starts at 1:30 p.m.
NYSUT in conjunction with the AFT and the National Action Network will be participating in this historic rally and march aimed at demanding JOBS, JUSTICE and SUPPORT FOR PUBLIC EDUCATION. This event will be part of the series week long activities associated with the dedication of the Martin Luther King Memorial on  August 28, 2011.
You and your members need to be a part of what should be a memorable and important event, as we seek to fulfill the dream of Dr. King.
Additional details are posted at and
NYSUT sponsored buses will be leaving from the Suffolk Regional  Office and the Nassau Regional Office early that morning and returning later that evening.
In solidarity,
Vincent Lyons
Suffolk Regional Staff Director
New York State United Teachers

Thursday, June 30, 2011

NYSUT Sues the New York State Board of Regents Over New Evaluations...

From the Huffington Post,  June 29th, 2011

     "For us to do other than this -- we have 600,000 members -- would give me very little credibility with my own members," New York State United Teachers President Richard Iannuzzi told The Huffington Post.
On Monday, NYSUT filed a complaint, alleging that the Board of Regents overstepped its bounds in adapting a new teacher evaluation plan. 
    The plan, according to the complaint, is "illegal and void, because the Board of Regents acted in excess of its authority, inconsistently with the law and arbitrarily, in enacting them."

See the rest of the story at Huffington Post:

Also, check out NYSUT on Facebook for up to the minute details:!/NYSUTUnited

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Please make a call if you can!!!! Every call counts!!!!

Please read this message from NYUST Vice President Andy Pallotta about the pending tax cap legislation.   I received it just now via email, and I would like to get it out there ASAP.   Please make a call if you can. 
                                                                            M E M O R A N D U M

From: Andrew Pallotta 
To: NYSUT Board of Directors
Local Presidents
PAC members
Vote/Cope Coordinators

Date: June 15, 2011 
Re: Continuing the Anti-Tax Cap Pressure  

We are in the final days of this year’s legislative session and we need  your continued advocacy against tax caps now if we are to prevail in this  historic battle. We urge each and every one of you to pick up a phone and  call your lawmaker to voice your opposition to tax caps TODAY. Please call  1 877 255 9417 today to keep the pressure on. Please pass this request  along to your general membership a.s.a.p.
 Our members have been responding to our calls for action. In the past two > weeks, over 11,500 faxes against the tax cap have been sent to Senators,  Assembly members and to the Governor. In addition, over 7,500 calls were  placed through the AFL-CIO Hotline. We have robo-called over 500,000 of  our members on the issue, and sent email blasts to 160,000 members  including a special email to 20,000 of our retiree activists. We have  spent well over $1.7 million on television, radio and web-based media in  the past month.

We have initiated the use of “patch through calls,” a system where a  member receives a live call from us, is read a script about the tax caps  and is then asked to be connected with their lawmaker to register their  opposition to the cap. In 3 days last week over 10,000 NYSUT members  connected with their legislators. This week, over the course of two days, over 10,000 more NYSUT members reached state senators. We are redoubling  our efforts and targeting 90 more members of the legislature between now  and the end of session, which could come as early as Friday.

Do not delay. The imposition of tax caps will redefine public education as  we know it for years to come. We will be locked into a decade of program  cuts, layoffs, cost shifts and contract concessions.

Please call 1 877 255 9417 and urge all of your members to do the same  now!

NYSUT Officers
NYSUT Cabinet
Regional Staff Directors
Legislation Staff

Did you know that NYSUT is on Facebook?

Friday, June 10, 2011

A Walk Down MITA Memory Lane

Mr. Vinny  Giglio, is that you??  
Yes, it is, in 1978 with past MITA President Mr. Brennan.

                                        Mr Brennan, Mr Vinny Giglio and Ralph Gentile                    

Teachers on the picket line at the Middle School in 1978

                                                         The infamous Albert Shanker

Tom Hobart, former NYSUT President

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

MITA and NYSUT need your help!!!

Can you make a call to help let our elected officials know that the proposed tax cap will destroy our public schools??
Yesterday, New York State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver announced his support for a property tax cap legislation bill that will spell disaster for New York's public schools.   While Silver's bill would exempt pension costs that go above 2%, it would do nothing about things like health insurance and fuel costs that have been escalating in price astronomically.   School districts capped at 2% unless 60% of the population votes for a higher budget would be forced to cut programs or seek benefit reductions in negotiations.  One need only look at what has happened in California since their tax cap went into effect, and the one Silver proposed is worse, perhaps the worst in the nation.
The AFL-CIO has set up a toll free number to call, 
 1-877-255-9417.   Press 3 for Assembly.
Here is what you can tell your representative:
1)   You are strongly opposed to the 2% property tax cap proposed by Speaker Silver.
2)   Capping expenditures at 2% when costs of things like health insurance and fuel are rising by double digits is irresponsible.
3) You support a circuit-breaker property tax cap that offers real tax relief to people in real need because it is tied to people's incomes.
4)  You recognize that the state has financial difficulties but can't understand why the legislature is refusing to extend the so-called millionaires tax.

This is one of those moments when we can each make a difference while there is still time.   Albany needs to hear from us in big numbers.   Call your representative and tell him or her to vote NO on this ill-conceived tax cap.

More NEWS:
Lobbying groups have been successful in Wisconsin at helping to force through recall elections for 6 tea party Republicans who led the charge against teachers and public employees.    Remember, these are the individuals who were instrumental in taking away the collective bargaining rights of Wisc. public employees.  This is big news and could be the beginning of the end of Gov. Scott Walker's right-wing crusade

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Memorandum of Agreement has passed overwhelmingly! Thank you!!

MITA Reps from Coram: Karin, Rachel and Denise

HS Reps:  Sean, Karen and Barbara

HS Rep Antonio mans the door...

CEW Rep Audrey

CEW Rep Robin

Jr High Rep Lorraine

MS Rep Lydia

Ridge Rep Barbara

Treasurer Bob and MS Rep Marge

Secretary Mike and Treasurer Bob

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

MITA and NYSUT need your help...

Can you make a call to help let our elected officials know that the proposed tax cap will destroy our public schools??
Yesterday, New York State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver announced his support for a property tax cap legislation bill that will spell disaster for New York's public schools.   While Silver's bill would exempt pension costs that go above 2%, it would do nothing about things like health insurance and fuel costs that have been escalating in price astronomically.   School districts capped at 2% unless 60% of the population votes for a higher budget would be forced to cut programs or seek benefit reductions in negotiations.  One need only look at what has happened in California since their tax cap went into effect, and the one Silver proposed is worse, perhaps the worst in the nation.
The AFL-CIO has set up a toll free number to call, 
 1-877-255-9417.   Press 3 for Assembly.
Here is what you can tell your representative:
1)   You are strongly opposed to the 2% property tax cap proposed by Speaker Silver.
2)   Capping expenditures at 2% when costs of things like health insurance and fuel are rising by double digits is irresponsible.
3) You support a circuit-breaker property tax cap that offers real tax relief to people in real need because it is tied to people's incomes.
4)  You recognize that the state has financial difficulties but can't understand why the legislature is refusing to extend the so-called millionaires tax.

This is one of those moments when we can each make a difference while there is still time.   Albany needs to hear from us in big numbers.   Call your representative and tell him or her to vote NO on this ill-conceived tax cap.

More NEWS:
Lobbying groups have been successful in Wisconsin at helping to force through recall elections for 6 tea party Republicans who led the charge against teachers and public employees.    Remember, these are the individuals who were instrumental in taking away the collective bargaining rights of Wisc. public employees.  This is big news and could be the beginning of the end of Gov. Scott Walker's right-wing crusade.


A General Membership Meeting to vote on the Memorandum will be held on Thursday, June 2nd, in the High School auditorium at 4:15 PM.     

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Informational Meetings and Vote

A copy of the Memorandum of Agreement will be in your mailbox sometime on Weds 5-25-11.     Please review it, and be thinking about any questions you have.

There are three informational meetings scheduled for Tuesday May 31st, to take place in the High School Cafeteria 2, upstairs.     The times of these meetings are as follows:

High School         2:00  PM
Junior HS and Middle School    3:00 PM
All Elementary Schools    4:15 PM

A General Membership Meeting to vote on the Memorandum will be held on Thursday, June 2nd, in the High School auditorium at 4:15 PM.     

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Meeting Cancelled

As of 4PM on Friday, May 13th,  MITA still has not received the final version of the Memorandum of Agreement from the District's attorney, John Gross, and  we are therefore, unable to give you a copy at this time.  The meeting to be held on Monday, May 16, 2011 is cancelled.    As soon as we have the Memorandum of Agreement, we will distribute copies and schedule a new meeting date.    Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Unitedly yours,
Vince Giglio

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Important Meeting

4:00 PM    Monday, May 16th  2011
Important meeting followed by a vote in the high school auditorium.
It is very important that all members attend this meeting.

Monday, April 25, 2011

MITA Dinner Dance Get Your Tickets Now!!!!

MITA's Annual Dinner Dance will be held on Thursday, May 19, 2011 at Majestic Gardens in Rocky Point from 6:30 - 10:30 PM.       Tickets are $40.00 per person and can be paid with a check or money order made out to MITA (Middle Island Teachers' Association).  Dinner choices include:  Prime Rib, Chicken Marsala and Stuffed Flounder.    $40.00 price includes dinner and dancing.   A cash bar will be available.    No refunds can be given on tickets.   
Please see your building reps for tickets!!!!

At this time. there is no news about a date/time for a meeting and vote.   As soon as there is any news about this, we will get it out there.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

NEWS from NYSUT's 2011 Representative Assembly April 7-9 New York City

Well, it was a busy few days, filled with many "assemblies" in which we joined locals from around the state listen to speakers who discussed everything from defining the priorities of NYSUT for the year to come, to the importance of standing together during these very trying times.....

Some comments that I believe will give you some of the highlights of the RA:

FORMER New York State Commissioner of Education David Steiner addressed the group just one day after his surprise resignation.    "This is an incredibly tough period,"  Steiner said, "Efforts of reform have too often boomeranged into assault...How did it come to that"?      He also made a point of commenting on the "reforms" going on with testing to measure student progress.   He questioned how tests have come to measure differences between adults not children, which resulted in a standing ovation.....

NYSUT Vice President Maria Neira spoke as well, and she explained NYSUT's role in the new APPR, making it clear that NYSUT "participated in negotiating that law because it was the way to advance our principles," she said......."Not 100%.  Not always perfectly, but we knew we had to take charge and be at the table to represent our members."    She said that being involved in the development ensured that collective bargaining retained a central role.

Executive Vice President Andy Pallotta addressed the crowd and vowed "We have not yet begun to fight," pledging that NYSUT will keep fighting to protect the future of New York State's students and the union.  "We are not giving up, and we are not giving in,"  he said.   

The RALLY  on Sunday was very well-attended.    Representatives from many different unions came out in support of workers' rights.    If you were there, you saw for yourself the passion demonstrated by many of the speakers.    

If you were there, you know that my meeting place of the TKTS stand ended up to be impossible!!!    If you made it there, and met other MITA members there, YAY!!!     Those of us who were in NYC already and walked down in the march from the hotel, ended up on the corner of 7th Ave at 40th St,blocks away from TKTS,  right in front of Parsons.    So, we channeled our inner TIM GUNN and had no choice but to MAKE IT WORK.   

I saw a handful of MITA members, as I walked around a bit before the end of the rally to try to see who I could find......   I hope that if you were there, you enjoyed it and feel that it was a worthwhile experience to see it LIVE......    

More follow up on RA news in the coming days......     Thank you for visiting the blog!!!    

Friday, April 8, 2011

LIVE from the NYSUT Representative Assembly!!!!

There is a lot to talk about, based on NEWS from NYSUT's Representative Assembly......Looking forward to tomorrow's RALLY.    Hope to see you there!!!!   

Friday, April 1, 2011


Hello Everyone!
NYSUT announces The Solidarity Express!!
As some of you know, this coming week is the NYSUT Representative Assembly convention in New York City.     All of the MITA officers will be attending this event from Weds - Sat.    
On Saturday, April 9th, the convention will adjourn at 11AM; NYSUT has planned a LARGE rally in support of workers' rights; everyone in attendance will be "marching" down to Times Square to assemble there with other union members from noon - 1:00.  

“Thousands of delegates to NYSUT’s annual Representative Assembly, as well as other NYSUT members, their friends and supporters will march en masse to Times Square in New York City to join other unionists and labor advocates on Saturday, April 9, in support of workers’ rights.
The rally, to begin at noon, will be the culmination of the national AFL-CIO’s ‘We Are One Week of Action,’ planned to build on the momentum generated by the events in Wisconsin.” 

Last night, NYSUT announced at a meeting I attended with Mary Grffin and Sean Robinson, MITA reps, that they were chartering an entire TRAIN,  yes, TRAIN, as in LIRR, to transport members to the rally.   
VOTE COPE is paying, there will be NO CHARGE to ride the NYSUT SOLIDARITY EXPRESS as it has been named. 
It is a 6 car train, that they can expand to 12 cars if we need them, that will be only for union members and guests attending the rally.   
Here is how it will work, MITA building reps. will collect the names and head counts of members who plan to come.  
Members:  You can bring anyone you want with you, as many people as you want.    All paid for by VOTE COPE.   These are our VOTE COPE contributions at work.......     
On the day of the rally, Sat April 9, the train will leave Ronkonkoma at 9:10, stopping only in Hicksville to pick up Nassau members at 9:44.    You will arrive at Penn Sta at 10:30AM......
A NYSUT person will be at both stations a half hour before departure time.     MITA reps will be there as well, to meet you at Ronkonkoma and give you your tickets.     Plan to get there a little early, I would suggest by 8:45.     The tickets will be round trip,  you can take any LIRR train back home.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Wear your MITA shirts this MONDAY, April 4th!!

Monday April 4th:   Unity Day,  NYSUT members across the state will be wearing their union shirts in solidarity that day.     MITA shirts continue to be distributed at all buildings in conjunction with Vote Cope forms,  this week.    See your building reps for more information on these.....If you are waiting for a shirt, be assured, they are on the way!!!!  See your MITA reps if you have not received your form/shirt yet!!!  

Saturday April 9th:    RALLY in NEW YORK CITY.......   NYSUT's  Representative Assembly ends on Saturday April 9th.,  when they adjourn this meeting at 11:00 AM, they are planning to walk, as a large group, a VERY large group, over to Times Square....MITA members are encouraged to come in and join us at this rally......
    Finally, we have an opportunity to join together with our fellow NYSUT members from all around the state, in NYC which is certainly easier to do than making the trip to Albany.....and best of all, it is on a Saturday, so, no issues with schedule conflicts.   Please save the date, there will be more information about travel arrangements......Wear your MITA shirt!!!!
     We are looking into providing a bus, which would leave from the MITA office, and NYSUT is also working on group rate LIRR tickets for those who prefer to take the train from Ronkonkoma.     MORE DETAILS COMING SOON ON THIS.   

Friday, March 25, 2011

Some Important Dates:

Tuesday March 29th:   Special Election in the 6th Election District:   NYSUT has endorsed Sarah Anker for County Legislator.    You may remember Sarah, she was part of the Longwood family when she worked as our PR person in 2009, out of the Central Office.    She is a pro-education, pro-public employee candidate.   
 More information about Sarah:

Monday April 4th:   Unity Day,  NYSUT members across the state will be wearing their union shirts in solidarity that day.     MITA shirts continue to be distributed at all buildings throughout next week.    See your building reps for more information on these.....

Saturday April 9th:    RALLY in NEW YORK CITY.......   NYSUT's  Representative Assembly ends on Saturday April 9th.,  when they adjourn this meeting at 11:00 AM, they are planning to walk, as a large group, a VERY large group, over to Times Square....MITA members are encouraged to come in and join us at this rally......
    Finally, we have an opportunity to join together with our fellow NYSUT members from all around the state, in NYC which is certainly easier to do than making the trip to Albany.....and best of all, it is on a Saturday, so, no issues with schedule conflicts.   Please save the date, there will be more information about travel arrangements......We are looking into providing a bus, which would leave from the MITA office, and NYSUT is also working on group rate LIRR tickets for those who prefer to take the train from Ronkonkoma.     MORE DETAILS COMING SOON ON THIS.   

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Hello and WELCOME to our BLOG!!!      This is the site to add to your BOOKMARKS so that you can check in regularly to see what's new.   This blog will be updated frequently and used to communicate important information.   Use your Google log in if you have one, or you can register and get one now.   

This is our alternative to using our Longwood Email accounts to communicate, so PLEASE......    check in frequently to see what's new!!!

Upcoming events:   RALLY at HOFSTRA on Thurs March 24th...This is the Nassau County version of what took place at Sachem East back in February.  

Tues March 22nd, I was in Albany with members of the Committee of 100, to meet with legislators and attend a rally there, which took place at noon right in front of the Capitol.   The photo below was taken there.