Tuesday March 29th: Special Election in the 6th Election District: NYSUT has endorsed Sarah Anker for County Legislator. You may remember Sarah, she was part of the Longwood family when she worked as our PR person in 2009, out of the Central Office. She is a pro-education, pro-public employee candidate.
More information about Sarah: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Sarah-Anker-for-County-Legislator/198473953500829
Monday April 4th: Unity Day, NYSUT members across the state will be wearing their union shirts in solidarity that day. MITA shirts continue to be distributed at all buildings throughout next week. See your building reps for more information on these.....
Saturday April 9th: RALLY in NEW YORK CITY....... NYSUT's Representative Assembly ends on Saturday April 9th., when they adjourn this meeting at 11:00 AM, they are planning to walk, as a large group, a VERY large group, over to Times Square....MITA members are encouraged to come in and join us at this rally......
Finally, we have an opportunity to join together with our fellow NYSUT members from all around the state, in NYC which is certainly easier to do than making the trip to Albany.....and best of all, it is on a Saturday, so, no issues with schedule conflicts. Please save the date, there will be more information about travel arrangements......We are looking into providing a bus, which would leave from the MITA office, and NYSUT is also working on group rate LIRR tickets for those who prefer to take the train from Ronkonkoma. MORE DETAILS COMING SOON ON THIS.