Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hurricane Irene

Hi Everyone!
Unfortunately, our Washington DC trip has been cancelled due to the hurricane, the MLK dedication has also been postponed so I am sure NYSUT will reschedule the public education rally accordingly.  

Be safe and I look forward to seeing everyone on Supt. Conf. Day, assuming we have power and there has been no change to the schedule.   

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Help Support Verizon Workers

From:  NYSUT Suffolk Regional Office
Date:   August 18, 2011
Re:       Verizon Strike

How YOU Can Help Support Verizon Workers
Sign the on-line petition: Add your name to the list of people telling Mr. McAdam that his company should play fair. Let him know that Verizon should not demand that workers be forced to give-back more than $1 billion in wages and benefits when the company earned $19 billion in profits over the past four years and the top five executives earned more than $250 million in the same period. Go to and the petition will pop-up before the CWA home page.
Write your own letter to:
Mr. Lloyd C. McAdam
President & Chief Executive Officer
Verizon Communications, Inc.
140 West Street

New York, NY 10007
Be sure to mention if you are a Verizon customer.
Are you a Verizon customer? If so:
Call up the corporate headquarters – 212-395-1000 - and express your dissatisfaction. Tell them you are monitoring the situation closely and want it to be settled fairly.
If you have a pending service call or installation, insist that they send union labor to fulfill your order. If they send “replacement workers,” refuse to let the scabs enter your property and make sure the company knows why.
Donate to support the workers on strike: For the 45,000 Verizon workers, the decision to go on strike was a very difficult one for they knew they would be without a paycheck until their contract was settled. But they also knew that the issues were crucial, not just for them, but for working men and women across the country. You can show your support by making a contribution to the special fund set up to provide assistance to Verizon workers in need. Go to, and contribute whatever you can.
Participate in a picket-line at a local Verizon Wireless Store: Can you give an hour or two to hand out leaflets in support of the Verizon workers in front of a Verizon Wireless store? To find a store near where you live or work, contact your local CWA or International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), the other union representing Verizon workers, or go to the CWA web site.

Please see the prior post about the trip to Washington DC....If you are interested in joining me, please email me so I can reserve your seat on the bus!!!    

Friday, August 12, 2011


Hope everyone is enjoying their summer!!!     I just wanted to let all MITA members
know that I am attending this NYSUT event in Washington DC.    If you are interested in joining me on what is sure to be a very rewarding day, please email the MITA office (since our school emails are down right now)   at   or my home email   I will arrange your reservation on the NYSUT bus.....
This is the MEMO from NYSUT:
        Saturday August 27, 2011
        Washington, DC
Fulfilling the Promise ... Living the Dream
Rally to begin at 12 noon at Constitution Avenue and 17th Street, the march to the Martin Luther King Memorial starts at 1:30 p.m.
NYSUT in conjunction with the AFT and the National Action Network will be participating in this historic rally and march aimed at demanding JOBS, JUSTICE and SUPPORT FOR PUBLIC EDUCATION. This event will be part of the series week long activities associated with the dedication of the Martin Luther King Memorial on  August 28, 2011.
You and your members need to be a part of what should be a memorable and important event, as we seek to fulfill the dream of Dr. King.
Additional details are posted at and
NYSUT sponsored buses will be leaving from the Suffolk Regional  Office and the Nassau Regional Office early that morning and returning later that evening.
In solidarity,
Vincent Lyons
Suffolk Regional Staff Director
New York State United Teachers