know that I am attending this NYSUT event in Washington DC. If you are interested in joining me on what is sure to be a very rewarding day, please email the MITA office (since our school emails are down right now) at or my home email I will arrange your reservation on the NYSUT bus.....
This is the MEMO from NYSUT:
Saturday August 27, 2011
Washington, DC
Fulfilling the Promise ... Living the Dream
Rally to begin at 12 noon at Constitution Avenue and 17th Street, the march to the Martin Luther King Memorial starts at 1:30 p.m.
NYSUT in conjunction with the AFT and the National Action Network will be participating in this historic rally and march aimed at demanding JOBS, JUSTICE and SUPPORT FOR PUBLIC EDUCATION. This event will be part of the series week long activities associated with the dedication of the Martin Luther King Memorial on August 28, 2011.
You and your members need to be a part of what should be a memorable and important event, as we seek to fulfill the dream of Dr. King.
Additional details are posted at and
NYSUT sponsored buses will be leaving from the Suffolk Regional Office and the Nassau Regional Office early that morning and returning later that evening.
In solidarity,
Suffolk Regional Staff Director
New York State United Teachers